Wednesday, September 19, 2007


City: Denpasar
Width: 123.98 km2
1. Denpasar Barat
2. Denpasar Timur
3. Denpasar Selatan
Denpasar Tourism Object
Central Bali of the south, Indonesia, 40 miles (70 kilometers) of the south of Singaraja.
Denpasar is the biggest city in the island of Bali, is also the capital of the Badung kabupaten (regency). Denpasar was the site of a suicidal battle of the cracks of Badung against the Dutch military service in 1906. A great open square in center of the city, named square of Puputan.
The population are 400.000 are mainly Balinese that speaks Indonesian Language influenced strongly by Hindu customs. In addition, there are the Arab and Indian retailers who distribute mainly in textiles; The Chinese work most of the local businesses, and are some Christians. The mechanized industries of the city include the transformation of the foods, manufacture of paper and impression, and the manufacture and the repair of the machinery.
The crafts include the arenaceous stone that carve, weaving, the Coco and bone carving, prancing, basketwork, and the production of jewelry shop of gold and the silver. A network of the connections of Denpasar ways with Singaraja and other cities in the island. Denpasar also has an international airport. A branch of the national archaeological research center; the museum of Bali, constructed the Dutch government in 1932 and containing specimens of the art of Balinese as of prehistoric times to the century at the beginning of century 20; and Universitas Udayana (founded 1962) is located in Denpasar.
The sites of the interest include the Puri (temple) Pemecutan, church of the St. Jose, commemorative library of Meredith, To pass (market) Dadung, Kokar (conservatory to make arts), academy of dances indonesia, and center of the art of Abiankohas.
Denpasar demography is the capital-city of the province of Bali, Denpasar has a certain fascination for the tourism for example: to remain of the old building with the architecture of Balinese. It offers city-travels where the tourism can experiment and to learn on varies cultural attraction of Denpasar. The beginning of the trip of the palace of Pemecutan, comes to the palace of Kuta, palace of Satria, and the palace of then Kesiman visits the old and newer temples of the city.
The trip continued visiting Bali Meseum, museum of the fingerprint, Le Mayeur Museum, and the museum of archaeology in Sesetan. There is also an occasion to make the purchases in Kumbasari, market of the border To pass Badung.

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